A Fresh Start
With the start of the new decade, I thought it would be the perfect time to actually get this blog going. Many of you might not know, but this photography business was actually, in a way, birthed from a blog – one that I had started when I was moving to Melbourne, Australia 2010.
I had always been interested in taking photographs, but it really got a kickstart when I bought my first SLR means "Single Lens Reflex" with the money I had saved up. It was a Konica Minolta camera, and fitted well in the pockets of my baggy jeans, which meant I brought it everywhere I went.
Fast forward to finishing vet school, while I was looking for jobs as a vet, I decided to get into things that I always had deep interests for, like coffee and photography. Juggling between being a barista as well as a photographer.
So here we are, at a little nook of the World Wide Web, where I’m hoping to give the photographs I make more context. Yes, as I grow older I’ve become more obsessed with context, with stories behind the images.
While we’re on the topic of context, I guess it would be a suitable time to explain the name of my business – Only May Photography. Far too often I’ve contemplated changing the name to a more “wedding friendly” moniker, but always end up not doing so. Why Only May? The blog did start out already with that name, and made its transition into a wedding photography business.
So yes, just a very brief introduction of what’s to come. I’m very excited about making time to write again, and a blog is a far better medium to showcase a body of work, compared to Instagram. Happy new year to all who are reading this, and I hope in one way or another that this blog will inspire.